Los colores de nosotros

Los colores de nosotros

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  • A positive and affirming look at skin color, from an artist's perspective.
  • Seven-year-old Lena is going to paint a picture of herself. She wants to use brown paint for her skin. But when she and her mother take a walk through the neighborhood, Lena learns that brown comes in many different shades.
  • Through the eyes of a little girl who begins to see her familiar world in a new way, this book celebrates the differences and similarities that connect all people.
  • Karen Katz created this book for her daughter, Lena, whom she and her husband adopted from Guatemala six years ago.
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Información del producto

  • PID NzEzMmEzND
  • Número de modelo 978-0805071634
  • ISBN 978-0805071634

Descripción del producto

Número de paginas: : 32 páginas
Editor: Square Fish; Edición: First (1 de octubre de 2002)
ISBN-10: 0805071636
ISBN13: 978-0805071634
Peso: 4.2 oz.

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