Cooking Basics, By Chef Thomas N. England

Cooking Basics, By Chef Thomas N. England

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  • Published by Alpha.
  • Author: Chef Thomas N. England.
  • ISBN: 9781615648191.
  • Language: English.
  • Size: 233 x 195 mm.
  • Pages: 272.
  • Cooking is an art and knowing how to master the many skills and techniques that normally only come from years of experience in the kitchen can be tough. However, with the right expert guidance, those skills can come easy, and cooking can be fun. Idiot's Guides: Cooking Basics will help even the most inexperienced novice in the kitchen gain the skills necessary to cook nearly anything the right way. Packed full of step-by-step color photography and step-by-step lessons for over 80 classic recipes, Idiot's Guides: Cooking Basics teaches you all the basic skills required to be successful in the kitchen and learn skills that will last a lifetime.
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  • PID MDgwMTUyY2
  • Número de modelo 9781615648191
  • Tipo de Identificador de Producto MPN

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